Following the Government’s announcement of the removal of all COVID-19 restrictions on 19th July 2021, we have been notified that there will be no change in the requirements in healthcare settings where face to face tretaments are carried out. Most importantly, this means that all patients will be required to wear facemasks when on the premises. This is essential for the safety of your Osteopath,…

Neil Evans
Highly professional friendly treatment. I have seen other Osteopaths but have always found Robert the most effective. I highly recommend Robert Hopkins.

Osteopathy and Pregnancy
Osteopathy is a safe form of treatment during pregnancy when postural and ligament changes may lead to lower back pain, sciatica and problems with the pubic symphysis. Osteopathic maniuplation is usually avoided at key stages in the first trimester but is safe thereafter and massage & mobilisation techniques are safe to be used throughout pregnancy. Some patients may also experience symptoms post-natally if there have…

Privacy Statement
We’ve updated our Privacy Statement. These changes reflect the increased transparency requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (known as the ‘GDPR’). Please see the link below to read our revised Privacy Statement and further information. Privacy Statement